Feel it, fight it, finish it!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

getting out of the car to stretch and briefly forget out being on the road

I needed a break. It was fun to walk on the sawdust, go to the lumberyard, and cool to "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry." What a totally different day!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

what do you think about along the journey?

I know that there are some people out there who do not care about the imperfections of others. I thank my friends who accept me the way I am as I do them.

The weird thing is that I have funny feelings about my imperfections. I do it to myself. I am worried about what hangs out of my shirt when I work out. I think about how uncoordinated my body must look when I am doing exercises. I know I don't feel comfortable wearing certain clothes out in public. Yes, even with the weight loss! I was talking to someone the other day and we were discussing what we would wear if we have the perfect body. I still couldn't see myself in a bikini whereas she could. How much of this is my conservative upbringing? How much of this is a self-esteem issue? How much of this is being comfortable with what I look like?

I do know this for sure - I am pleased with what I have done so far and I do not want to go back to where I was. This journey is hard and I am learning more about myself as I take it. This journey with family and friends has taught me a lot about others as well. There are truely some amazing people in my life!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

did i miss a turn?

Today was assessment day in our fitness class. We had to try and beat our time going around the lake two times. I completed the laps way longer than the last time I did it. How did that happen? Did I miss a turn? The best thing about the fitness class is I get to see family and friends work toward better health.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

polishing up

Okay, I get that I have made progress. I CAN do more now that I could back in October. I just can't understand why my form is still not there. Tonight, I tried doing a couple of exercises that I have trouble with in front of the mirror to help me see what I am or am not doing correctly. Also, I started looking at some fitness books to that show the proper form. The girl in the book looks great, but I had a hard time mocking her form. I guess I need tons of practice.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pictures anyone?

Okay, I finally did it!!!!!! I posted a new picture of me and my husband. I am trying to hit first small goal and weigh in at 205. Once I hit that, I hope it will refuel me for the continuation of this journey.

the strength of the journey

I had a wonderful day! Great weather, great friendship, and good exercise. In everything I do along this journey, I know one thing for sure. My strength is my heart and I do not necessarily mean that in a medical way. I believe my heart is my strength as it is in the right place when dealing with various things that get thrown at me in life. That strength overrides all my imperfections. Now, I just have to figure out how to use that strength to fight my weaknesses.

Friday, July 23, 2010

can I change the eta?

For those of us who have set goals with a certain time frame, can we reset the time we have given ourselves to meet those goals? Yes, I know I have come a long way and I am proud of what I have done. I set the goal to be 100 pounds less as a mini-goal and I just can't seem to reach it. Every time I have to post pone the mark, I get angry at myself for not not reaching it. Many things are running through my mind and I can't figure out why I just can't get there.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

the heat of the journey

There are no air conditioners outside!!! It is so hot to workout in the middle of the day. I have to thank my husband for pushing me out of bed to do early morning workouts. Oh, in case I forgot to mention it, we have very, very, very early workouts that I was (am still) not too fond of them. But, I do have to admit I like working out when it is not so hot outside. Additionally, I have more energy throughout the day.

Do you think that there are times when you question why you are doing this? I do everyday and I am proud to admit that I am grateful that I made the decision to change. Sometimes you can get lost in the difficulty of it all, the food, the pain, the time etc. But what it boils down is the accomplishments. No matter what they are... they are accomplishments. I would have never have known that I could have done what I have by today. It does matter how far I go, but I can't dwell on the numbers that lie ahead. I need to focus on the numbers that once were and use those to keep me moving on in my journey.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a change of pace

In order not to be tired of the same fitness routine, I have done several new activities to keep myself moving. Within the last two weeks, I have played volleyball, gone a hike, and walked along the beach. Now with my vision problems, volleyball was hard and I must of looked foolish just trying to go after the ball. The point here is that I tried my best. I haven't played volleyball since college and every muscle hurt the next day. My reward for trying hard was several bruises. All in all, it was fun.

Do you like hills? The hike I took was up and down several hills with various inclines. It is hard to run up the hills, especially on rocky or bumpy surfaces. I really got to see a certain side of a local city by taking the hike.

The walk on the beach was more difficult than I thought. At the wee hours of the am, I walked barefoot in the rough sand for an hour and a half. My legs were definitely feeling each step. The best part of the walk was the sound of waves crashing. It was a peaceful and tranquil sound that makes you forget about every thing that is on your mind.

So, keep in mind that as you exercise, it does not necessarily have to be in a gym or in a class. Take the time to exercise in your own backyard, a park, or other place in your environment. Enjoy the beauty of the environment as you take the time to get up and move.