Feel it, fight it, finish it!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

another check point

This Saturday was our weigh in. I can honestly say that the more you continue on your weight loss program, the harder it gets. The pounds are not so easy to loose and it seems to take more work just to get a couple of pounds off your body. I think I complained about my mealtime eating habits because I was getting tired of the same old thing. I am not a very good cook so variety has always been a problem and a previous contributor to going out and grabbing junk. I know I was in a little rut. "Choices? Yes, you can continue or not!" There has been this a voice in my head since the day my trainer told me this. I didn't want to believe it would get harder. I have chosen to continue even though it is harder. What keeps me going is that I am almost at the 100 pound loss mark and the numbers at the weigh in, no matter how small they are, they add up. So, for the last two weeks I had another 5 pound loss with another 9 inches off my body. This time most of the inches off were on my thighs. Yeah! (Frankly though, I wish I could tell my body were to get rid of the inches. Wouldn't that be nice!)

I am at 241 and I have only 41 pounds to be at the 200 lb. mark and 36 pounds to reach 100 pounds lost. Little by little, one step at a time!

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